Unlock powerful skills in your leaders...
...to achieve amazing results...
...through a resilient and adaptive culture.
Let's Up-Level Your Team
Businesses don't transform, people do. Give your people the skills they need to own bold outcomes and coach rising leaders in your organization.
Leadership Accelerator
Experts achieve results through their own abilities. Leaders achieve results through others. Learn the skills, mindsets and behaviors that turn individual contributors into esteemed leaders.
Leadership Practice
Grow your skills and capability to become an effective and admired senior leader. Learn advanced skills in practice groups with other seasoned leaders.
Unleash the Power of Your People
Embed coaching skills that propel development and performance in your people. Designed for leaders of teams and organizations at all levels.
Baked In, Not Bolt On
We've helped leaders across industries and institutions develop humanistic leadership skills and cultures --one soul at a time.
Level-Up Yourself
Rapidly develop practical skills to broaden your range of leadership moves and impact.
Grow New Leaders
Develop leadership in others faster. Fuel performance and growth in your team.
Inspire Results
Deeply connect, build engagement and motivate others toward ambitious goals.
Enrich the Culture
Create a values-driven environment where results and meaning go hand-in-hand.
What people are saying
We've trusted the Mandala Institute for several years now -their learning experiences really land for our people at all levels. Our leaders have grown rapidly and as a result, the culture and outcomes speak for themselves.
Executive Vice President
Global Insurance Company
It's been transformative. Our team has changed before my eyes. I use the skills literally every day in both work and life.
Hotel General Manager
Global Hospitality Company
Understanding how to better and more effectively grow my team's leadership skill has provided me the space lead more strategically. The results have been so valuable.
Management Consulting Firm
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